Rendapart, why use organic & organo- mineral fertilisers?

4 good reasons:

  1. Organic and organo- mineral fertilisers contain natural based materials (bloodmeal, hoof & hornmeal, seaweeds, vinasses, feathermeal, cocoa shells,…), nutrients and fibers. Their effect is dual : the nutrients give the plants all they need for a long period of time (from 2-6 months depending on the composition) and maintain the soil structure.
  2. Due to the presence of organic material (fibers) the root zone is kept in optimal condition and plants can develop well.
  3. Due to the organic components which we use to compound organic and organo- mineral fertilisers we put back in the soil what we earlier have taken from before.So there is no loss of environmental structures.
  4. Organic and organo- mineral fertilisers work soft and long because the organic components must be decomposed into nutrient by micro– organisms in the soil (bacteria). Because of this process, the danger of burning plant(roots) or leaching out nutrients is kept to a minimum. With organics it is impossible to ‘stress’ the plant(growth).

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