Rendapart, certifications & registrations, authorisations

For all organic products we offer each customer the service to obtain the Hallmark TÜV-NORD or SOIL ASS. When needed, our department quality and R&D will gladly help you to achieve this. Likewise we offer a significant number of fully organic fertilisers that allready hold this TÜV-NORD hallmark.

By obtaining this certificat, Rendapart Plantfood Int. offers the customer the very best quality for 100 % natural fertilisers.

The products who carry this label are authorized for organic farming in fully compliance with the EC regulatons (834/2007 & 889/2008).

For a wide range of own products, Rendapart holds numerous registrations, certifications and authorisations. Organo- mineral products with weed- or mossinhibitors, fertilisers with humic acids and fulvoïc components, bacteria mixtures,… all available with the help of our department quality and R&D. (more info: Rik de Pauw)


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